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Breach of Competition Laws… in particular by, availing himself in good time, of all the legal remedies available to him.”

Courage Ltd. vs Crehan (2001) Case# C-453/99, regarding damages for breach of competition laws, the European Court of Justice said…

“… a litigant should not profit from his own unlawful conduct, where this is proven. In that regard, the matters to be taken into account by the competent national court

Judges are supposed to Coach citizens towards meeting their needs.

Judges are supposed to Coach citizens towards meeting their needs. That the litigants, would leave the courtroom with Justice being served. A judge’s first wish should be to do now harm, and then wish us a good day to have a gainful life and exercise the rights and freedoms, we’ve worked so hard towards.

include the economic and legal context in which the parties find themselves and, as the United Kingdom Government rightly points out.

The respective bargaining power and conduct of the two parties to the contract. In particular, it is for the national court to ascertain whether the party who claims to have suffered loss through concluding a contract that is liable to restrict or distort competition found himself in a markedly weaker position than the other party, such as seriously to compromise or even eliminate his freedom to negotiate the terms of the contract and his capacity to avoid the loss or reduce its extent, in particular by availing himself in good time of all the legal remedies available to him.”

In this case the judicial system was really looking out for the plaintiff in this case.

That’s how it’s supposed to be! When people actively make a point out of seeing you struggle and in dire straights, or wishing you great ill’s, they have very personal issues that they need to address. If you are the person down, then you must plead to someone of influence to retract, reprimand if necessary, and help you function again, the society.


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A Mother's Grace,

Provides Her Child Many Blessings!

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